  • 本系统基于有线或无线读卡技术实现人员定位管理,系统为每个登船人员配置一个有源标签卡,并根据系统提示写入相关的信息。 标签卡内信息可设置为姓名、年龄、性别、部门等相关基本信息,该电子标签以主动式的工作方式,实现近程或远程签到功能。
  • CargoMaxTM - Ship Stability and Load Management Software PREVENTION GOES A LONG WAY - For over 35 years CargoMaxTM has set the standard for shipboard stability and load management software. This proven system combines rigorously tested algorithms with a user-friendly interface to provide quick and consistent results, ensuring that the safety of the vessel is maintained at all times.
  • 任意时间、任意地点、多种终端(PC、Android、IOS),为用户提供企业通信录、电话、会议、一号通等服务,满足企业一站式商务沟通&协作需求。